What was your procedure towards people engaged in surveying you? They're treated like terrorists. Like a person shooting at you. There were people there who were spotted holding binoculars, or standing on a roof and looking in our direction – they're terrorists for all intents and purposes, and usually they're shot at.
If you identify a person watching you from a rooftop, do you fire a shell there? It really depends on when – at the beginning [of the operation], you didn’t wait for authorization, or you waited for authorization to make sure they were not our forces. You didn’t wait to incriminate. You identify a person, and if the tank commander considers him a suspect, you open fire. You don’t ask for authorization, no one asks for explanations. It doesn’t feel strange because that’s what we did in nearly every battle we were in, from the start up until then.
And what about people looking at you from the window of a house? People who look at you from the window of a house that is in your designated area – they, to put it mildly, won’t look anymore.