The Cave of the Fathers is divided in two -- the Jewish side and the Muslim side. The agreement is that there are ten days in the year when Muslims may enter the Jewish side, during which the Jews cannot pray there, and there are ten days a year in which Jews may enter the Muslim side and the Muslims then have no access to prayer. These are fixed dates, pre-arranged, but, as education officer, all I had to do in order to enter the Muslim side was to pick up the phone and call the war-room, and ask the brigade commander for vocal confirmation, and then I could get people inside the Muslim side, without any okay from the Waqf [Muslim religious authority], nothing. Three, four times a week I'd be on the Muslim side of the Cave of the Fathers, because we're army and we can go in there, it's ours. I mean, there is no reason for me not to be able to enter the Muslim side. If there's not a prayer going on it's not a disruption, as it were. It doesn't bother people praying there specifically, and if there are two or three, let them just move over and now we're going in there because we're the army, and we'll explain to people about Abraham in the Cave of the Fathers.